By Richard Roshon, Lecturer, Author, Kayak Entrepreneur Established 1975
Planet Ocean
A Collection of 55 Articles
Journeys Above & Below The Sea
The SEA:
Thousands of miles from land, open ocean ground swells move silently, without interruption - without destination - with virtually no boundaries, they circle the globe of planet Earth on an infinite journey.The sea's constant movement, unending energy, strength, calmness, spaciousness and secrets of the abyss are mystifying - A time in which the mind wonders, allowing peace and stillness within.
Gazing upon the horizon, sea and heavens come together on a never-ending journey. My thoughts go far beyond, and I too, long for that feeling of infinite, as the universe - there is no end. I'm going home, Mom and Me.
All things - Earth and the heavens - are connected - we cannot live alone.
This was a long term project, as from time to time I would find something interesting pertaining to the sea. Suddenly I look to see I have quite a collection of interesting articles.
My life has been involved with the sea. My sailing exploits, surfing, the thousands of miles logged throughout the Hawaiian Archipelago in my Eskimo Sea Kayak and its natural unique life within a gravity free environment.
Did you know a jellyfish has no brain?
The world's smallest fish, the Goby measuring 0.47 inches. After about 6 months old membranes have grown completely over their eyes and continue to grow until the eyes cannot be seen at all and their sight is gone.
And then there is Man:
Longest Survival at Sea: 1942 - Poon Lim, 25 years old, steward on a British merchant ship, was torpedoed. Found after floating on a raft in the South Atlantic after 133 days. When told of the record, he said "I hope no one will ever have to break it".
Available in manuscript format, for $25.00
Enjoy, and hopefully your interest will also be with my other two publications
Maui and Beyond - $35.00 Herman the Kayak Man - $15.00
More information as to my writings found here on my Web site are only available through myself. Each publication is personally signed.
Me Ke Aloha Pumehana
With Warm Aloha
Richard Roshon
Planet Ocean- Journeys
Above & Below the Sea
By Richard Roshon
In the beginning
The Abyss
Names of Ocean Waters
Journey Across the Sea
The Pacific Ocean
Sea Birds
Superstition, Custom & Belief
One Man's Pilgrimage
The Enchanting Sea Horse
Ocean Waves
Ida Lewis, Light Keeper
Longest Survival at Sea
Why Whales Breach?
The Green Sea Turtle
The Sea Kayak
Robot Journeys
The Emperor Penguin
Matthew Fontaine Maury
The Southern Albatross
Listen & See – Part 1
Listen & See – Part 2
Rogue Waves
The Head of the Sperm Whale
Ocean Currents
The Mariana Trench
The Great Barrier Reef
The Southern Ocean
Storm Petrel
The Tiger Shark
Personal Encounters--Sharks
The Gulf Stream
Ocean Sun Fish – Mola Mola
Zero Degrees Latitude
Mocha Dick
Robinson Crusoe
The Whale Shark
The Giant Squid
The Hawaiian Monk Seal
The Bull Shark
The Seas Smallest Fish
Pacific Ring of Fire
Portuguese Man of War
Coral Reef Part 1
Coral Reef Part 2
Message in a Bottle
The Atlantic Ocean
Weather Lore
Collapse of Coral Reef
The Whale
Out of Sight – Out of Mind